國語: | 800-594-5532 24小时 | 紐約: | 212-594-8822 24小时 | ||
粵語: | 888-594-5532 | 法拉盛: | 718-461-0411 24小时 |
旧金山,洛杉矶 -- 北京,上海 |
$530起 |
纽约, 波士顿 -- 北京, 上海 |
$630 起 |
芝加哥,底特律 -- 北京,上海 |
$690起 |
旧金山,洛杉矶 -- 香港,广州 |
$530起 |
纽约, 波士顿 -- 香港, 广州 |
$630 起 |
芝加哥,底特律 -- 香港,广州 |
$690起 |
舊金山,洛杉磯 -- 台北,高雄 |
$590起 |
紐約, 波士頓 -- 台北, 高雄 |
$690 起 |
芝加哥, 底特律 -- 台北, 高雄 |
$750起 |
纽约, 波士顿 -- 福州, 厦门 |
$680起 |
旧金山, 洛杉矶 -- 重庆, 成都 |
$690起 |
纽约, 波士顿 -- 沈阳, 哈尔滨 |
$720起 |
{ 北京, 上海 } -- 纽约,波士顿 |
$680/¥4243起 |
{ 北京, 上海 } -- 旧金山, 洛杉矶 |
$650/¥4056起 |
更多美中特价机票 >> |
Coba-Tulum One Day Tour EMC1T |
行程介绍 | ||
費用不含 Personal expenses.
行程 Day 1
全天 Itinerary At Cobá and Tulum live a day among the history and traditions of a great ancient civilization Two of the most iconic and amazing archaeological sites of the Yucatan Peninsula for you to enjoy, a day surrounded by the architecture and history of the Mayan culture. At Cobá climb Nohoch Mul, the tallest pyramid on the Yucatan Peninsula standing at 42 m high, visit Estela Uno, a structure famous for its inscription that mentions the end of an era on 12/12/12, which many believed was to be the end of the world. And be surprised by the jungle, lakes, and paths that connect all the different structural remains. At Tulum discover the secrets of the 60 restored temples that lie inside this walled city, and be part of the history of this ancient seaport and ceremonial center, the only archaeological site build in front of the Caribbean Sea. To complete this tour, at Xel-Há you will enjoy an exquisite buffet and domestic open bar at this Hidden Wonder.
Kindly Reminders: • Remember to bring your printed proof of purchase. • Confirm the time and place of your pickup. • Wear comfortable clothes, as well as a hat. For your comfort, you can bring a change of clothes for Xel-Há. • Sunscreen and insect repellent used in the Park must only have titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. • Bring cash or credit card to buy souvenirs or for personal expenses.
協議 預定限制 1、年齡限制:【不限制】; 2、是否需要證件號碼預訂:【不需要】; 3、兒童標準: Child tickets are valid for children 5-11, children must be accompanied by an adult. 預訂須知
退改說明 1. 如遇天氣、戰爭、罷工等人力不可抗拒因素無法遊覽,本公司將有權更改行程,景點門票費用退還,報名團費不退還; 2. 遊客因個人原因臨時自願放棄遊覽,酒店住宿、交通等費用均不退還。 3. 取消條款如下: a. 出發前30日以上免費改期或取消; b. 出發前23-29日,取消收取50%罰款,改期加收20%手續費用; c. 出發前22日內,恕不退改。 c. 訂購之日到出發前48小時以上,可免費更改姓名與接送酒店。取消參照上述退改政策; |
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